28 Feb Year 1
We have had a busy start to the term this week in Year 1.
In Science, we have been wondering how scientists group animals together. We decided to group them according to where they like to spend their time: on land, in water or in the air. We then realised that some animals like crocodiles and frogs, could be added to more than one group, so as scientists, we need to think of a different way to group them.
In computing we have started to learn hot to type on a computer. We found ‘docs’ and discovered we can use this to write whatever we like. We wrote out the alphabet first, then our name, a friend’s name and lastly an interesting fact about ourselves.
Then for Geography and English, we are learning about the physical features of our planet. This week we learnt about mountains and found where they are in an atlas and on google Earth. We are also learning about our planets polar regions in English, so we located them as well. We loved exploring the globes, world maps and atlases.
Finally, in History we are learning about explorers this half term. We were detectives and looked at photos of explorers to find clues about where they went and when they lived. We then tried to put them into chronological order. It was tricky, but lots of fun!